Food addiction and eating disorders are often long term issues, born of vulnerability, and they require TLC. Clients should benefit from between 3-6 hypnotherapy sessions in severe cases of food addiction. Comparatively to other modes of treatment, that is fast. But hypnotherapy is often the last resort for such clients, after trying and failing at a multitude of diets. That’s because the underlying issues are still in place.
Healing food addiction is complex. It often begins as an emotional response to a painful or stressful experience. Somewhere in your history you may have resorted to the use of food, to fix a problem, rather than using food to sustain a healthy body. Others may have avoided food, in response to these emotional triggers.
Food represents nourish and nurture, and it is fundamental, a common denominator between us all. It can affect our mood and cognitive function, aside from our overall health. It is little wonder that some of us turn to food addiction to fix mental and emotional states of unrest.
When I work with a client on food addition, it involves three stages:
1. I discern the underlying cause of the emotional trigger and work towards its resolution – this very involved and includes working with the heart, the conscious and the unconscious mind;
2. I build a health relationship with food – this is about helping the client to make better choices about their food intake
3. I repel the client away from harmful choices – this involves physiological as well as mind centred techniques.
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